My name is Ida Welch and I am the founder of The Canine Club, currently running the Ascot Branch. I have worked with dogs the last 18 years, 10 years full time with training and behaviour.
I offer a full range of classes and behaviour consultations as well as dog sport such as agility, scent work and more.
I am 100% dedicated to the welfare of your dog, accredited through the IMDT, OCN and UK Behaviour and Training Charter, only using ethical scientifically proven methods.
In addition to the many services I offer you I am incredibly proud to work as an instructor for the Institute of Modern dog trainers – training dog trainers to become instructors and assessing for their accreditations.
I also continue to study and attend courses to make sure I can deliver the latest cutting-edge methods.
I am passionate about strengthening the human – animal relationship, currently sharing my home with Chester, Riley and Queen Bea (two fox red Labradors and a Border Collie).
IMDT member
My love affair with dogs started at a very young age. My mum tells me that as soon as I could crawl I would approach any and every dog I saw. The only difference now is that I approach them on two legs!!!
I’m privileged to spend my time working with people and dogs who are seeking to take their relationship to the highest level. A happy, well behaved dog who has consistent handling will add joy to very many lives. These wonderful animals may (if we’re lucky) be with us for fifteen years or more. I like to ensure that those years are enriching and enjoyable for both the four legged and two legged parties.
I constantly strive to ensure that I’m delivering training using the best modern, force free techniques. I like to make training fun for all parties but don’t compromise on the content and skills I am delivering. I love it when I sense that the owner and dog are truly starting to communicate and facilitating that is my favourite part of what I do.
I’ve owned many dogs throughout my life. I’ve adored them all and my current wingman and centre of my universe is beautiful Tucker a twelve year old Hungarian Vizsla who I rescued some 6 years ago.